Jarliga 2024/25 #15

Tournament type Individual
Status Finished
Level of tournament
5 (6) *
Региональный множитель SWR 0.5
Country Norway
City Kvernaland
Date of the tournament 27.11.2024
Date of the end of the tournament 27.11.2024
Participants 8
  Name Status Duration Date and time  
2 Munnspill Finished 2 27.11.2024 00:00 Participants | Schedule and results | Tables
3 Bronsefinale Finished 3 27.11.2024 00:00 Participants | Schedule and results | Сетки
Finale Finished 3 27.11.2024 00:00 Participants | Schedule and results | Сетки
Kamp om 5. Plass Finished 3 27.11.2024 00:00 Participants | Schedule and results | Сетки
Kamp om 7. Plass Finished 3 27.11.2024 00:00 Participants | Schedule and results | Сетки

Text versionFinal standings
Name Country City Очки SWR WR-points
1 Magnus Klippen Norway Kvernaland 100 404
2 Amund Risa Fylling Norway Kvernaland 75 313
3 Benjamin Nygård Norway Kvernaland 50 238
4 Andreas Fjermestad Norway Kvernaland 40 158
5 Ane Skadsem Norway Kvernaland 30 88
6 Sinus Moberg Norway Kvernaland 20 64
7 Kjartan Moberg Norway Kvernaland 10 35
8 Sjur Skjeggestad Norway Ganddal 1 1